sue your ass off

Just read a great post on Dlisted which i found quite amusing Sharon "i don't wear panties" Stone is getting sued after comment over the Chinese earthquake. Yep some Chinese folk were alittle pissed about the comment and so are suing here for $1 billion!!! i say again $1 billion!!!She is not alone though an anchor man on CNN is also being sued for a billion for saying the China is ran by a load of "goons and thugs" on air.

Shifting the blame

Baldwin Spencer the prime minister of Antigua has buckled under the pressure of the tragic attacks on a newly married couple which resulted in the bride being murdered and the groom left on life support. The island paradise has been plagued by lethal attacks on tourists and these recent attack has ended with the prime minister asking for help from Scotland Yard.

Oh that was after he shifted some of the blame onto the US and Britain, you see its all because we sent the evil scumbags back to their own country after they had served jail for committing offences in our countries. Now it seem as though the island Paradise is more like a holiday on Alcatraz!!!

I feel for the family of the victims and disgusted at the behaviour of Baldwin Spencer!!

Is this the sun?

Had a great weekend, visiting the folks back in the sticks. Friday saw Tenbellies Graduate as you may have already read and then a race down to the stick to see the family for the weekend.

So simple and quite is life in the stick at the moment, the crunch does not seem to have bothered many except for my mate who is a estate agent, very slow right now. Tenbellies and I always enjoy the visit back to the stick as she gets to hang with my family who are all completely barking and love a good time, and i get to go the pub. I have always said that when i moved to the big city all i was missing was a local pub. Its been 5 years here now and still iv not found anywhere but i guess it makes going back to the sticks that much better, there is nothing like a proper English pub.

Saturday night we spent at my sisters as we sat out on the decking and had a BBQ, i took to cooking as this is a mans job and although my brother in law is a chef, he was as usual running late. We sat out till very late, watched the sun set over the green hills a sight i haven't seen for a while. This was probably all the summer we would see this year but for that one day we had done all that could be done in a n English summer. BBQ, Walking in the country, sitting outside a country pub with a pint, shopping (that's ones for Tenbellies, I'm more for the pub) and spending time with the family and friends. Excellent.

Well all that's left is for our trip to the US to meet up with more family and friends, 9 days to go Thud, so get the steaks and beers in.


Today Tenbellies will graduate for the second time, yes she is a clever lady by all accounts as today she becomes a fellow educationalist. It has been a stressful year for both of us but especially tenbellies as she completed a PGCE.

So well done babe I'm very proud of you.

Plain Stupid

Sticky situation for Gordon Brown this week as he could not get away from answering questions from some Tree Hugger.

The question you have to ask is about the security at Downing Street, just how did this guy get through security with three liquid pouches?

I'm sure Brown would help out on the strip searches and frisking.

Windy Days Ahead

Took this at the weekend aboard the HMS Argyll, just a really great picture me thinks.

The Dark Knight

Old news to most but this is late posting, Since Batman Begins came out in 2005 i have been excited beyond belief at the release of the sequel and with all the hype and news concerning the filming it has brought an even greater excitement to others.

This weekend saw the release and on the first Dark Knight it smashed $50,000 000 and better still $158.4 million by the end of the weekend and this broke the record set by Spiderman 3.

I really can not wait to see this, I'm holding back until i get to the US, and the wait is killing me as i have to continuously read about on Dirty Harry's Place. Damn you Harry.

I just hope Thud has not given in to temptation.

Tall Ships

This weekend has been a big weekend for Liverpool, they finally got chance to show off some of their new additions to the public. Liverpool hosted the Tall Ships, over 70 ships entered the Mersey and docked attracting people from all over the UK with performers and entertainment as well as tours around these splendid ships.

Monkey invited mother and stepfather up to have look and we spent Sunday walking around, queuing lots of queueing as we experienced these great ships in true British summer weather (windy and cold). The day was fantastic really well organised and although we qued alot it was never for very long. The ships were fantastic coming from all over the world and bringing life to the docks of Liverpool. The event attracted thousands of people all weekend and even Monday the city was still brimming as people lined the water front to see the ships leave in formation, i have never seen the Mersey look say busy.

But one thought that did occur to me during the visit was the amount of money spent to organise this event in a time when clearly we are in for serious hard times. Everything was free to the public, entrances to all the events were free and even the public transport they put on to ferry people to the different docks. The city set on twenty or more buses that ran all day carrying bus load after bus load up and down Liverpool for free.
Although Liverpool has improved their shopping experience there are still alot of shops not open and if the event helped advertise their new facilities I'm pretty sure that travelling to Liverpool to visit and shop in the future is going to be an even more costly affair to the consumer.

However take this aside and Liverpool did itself proud this weekend, it created an atmosphere in the city that i had never felt before, completely buzzing and a sense of excitement and very fun.

Jacqui 'Bright Ideas' Smith

The moose has done it again, she has come out with another great bit of logic.

Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London, said recently that he would tell his
children not to get involved if they saw trouble. Does the Home Secretary agree?
"I would never say 'Don't get involved'."
She quickly adds that she wouldn't tell people to "wade into the middle of a fight", but goes on: "I hope that we don't live – and I don't believe incidentally that we do live – in a country where people aren't willing to stand up for others."

I would be less likely to make a citizens arrest knowing that most of these
scumbags are carrying deadly weapons, and after yesterdays news concerning
the trained police officers being attacked what chance does little monkey

On the other hand

Wales doesn't seem to have a problem with knife crime, according to Assistant Chief Constable David Morris. South Wales was the sixth-highest area for knife crime in the UK, according to figures published yesterday.

Personally i don't think Wales have any worries of Knife crime its the Mobile Phone Mast that seem to be the killer.

I just have to have a pop at the welsh.


The country is in complete unrest, we have soaring petrol prices, roads taxes, interest rates and consumer rates at an all time high. Even Asda are having a hard job in cutting prices.

Now the Streets are are becoming even more dangerous as the 21st child was stabbed last night as knife culture is becoming a trend.

But the most disgusting news i read today is of the 2 Police officers mobbed by a gang of thirty for telling a teenage girl to pick up litter that she had dropped this leaving the officers in hospital, all in broad daylight

Most interesting is this part of the report.

The incident escalated quickly as a group of 30 people gathered around the
officers and attacked them. Around five young females were joined by a group of
older males in their thirties and forties. All members of the gang were
described as black.

Second thought

Not sure if i can stand have the picture of her on my blog for too long, its putting me off my Bangers and Mash.

The Thoughts of Jacqui Smith

This sexy bit of crumpet is our Home Secretary and is tipped as one possible successor to our Scottish Marmite Miner.

So you would think she has some nounce about her, well you would be wrong as it seems that her latest ideas to combat Knife crime is to take these horrible little shits to the victims of knife crime in hospital to see what damage they cause.

Hmm, not much thought there for the poor victim that has been attacked.

Oh but then she thinks this maybe a bad idea and that instead they should see a doctor so they can explain the dangers of being stabbed. Well I'm pretty sure they understand they when you stick a knife into someone there is alot of blood, it will hurt and they will more than likely DIE.

I have an idea for you send the shit bags to prison for a long time, when someone breaks the law in this way they should go to prison what ever the age or situation.

Robbing Bastards

Call me stupid but i see today that the councils have been selling our personal details to junk mail companies.

What!!?? how is this not illegal already.

Let me get this right we register to vote, a right that every person has and then the councils profit off this by selling our details and keeping the money.

Did we have a say? Did we bollocks. They just went ahead and did it anyway

What kind of country do we live in?

Gordon 'i love it in the' Brown

So the fat Scotsman comes back after gorging himself on food in Japan and told the British public that he will yet rob them of more money.
If you drive a gas guzzler you will pay and not just a little, as much as £250 more. So Mr Brown how do expect the public to cope? we already have rising petrol prices, a serious sign that there will be a recession and now you want to make it harder for us to get to work and pay you these taxes.
In the meantime who pays for the tax on our governments V8 gas guzzlers that carry your fat ass around. But dont worry as long as you get your pay rise to pay for it, oh that's right you don't. I suppose you need the extra cash to live on, oh that's right we pay for that too.

Do me a favour and fuck off back to Scotland.

Get off your fat ass and work!!

David Cameron has today become one person i would definitely like to meet just for this comment.

This guys is brave, and where Mars bar frying Brown tells us to stop wasting food Cameron's tells us to get off our fat ass and get a job you society leech. (not the exact word but to the same effect)

The guy gets my vote.

Warning to all Gardeners

Bristol City Council is in the middle of an homosexual discrimination claim, the council would like to trim the undergrowth in the local park to encourage wildlife however the bummers use this are for..........well you know....

Anyway read it for yourself, the last time i look it is illegal to perform sexual activities in a public place, this is liberal bummers gone mad. Im sure they will have the backing from Browny in more was than one.

If your out doing any gardening this week be careful or you could end up being sued for hurting a very sensitive guys feelings.


Brown has been plastered all over the news today during his visit to Japan. The big G8 leaders meet up and discuss very important issues concerning the world.
The latest from the G8 summit was this. Im so glad they have their priorities right you mars bar frying fat Scotsman, what about the fact its costing me £1.20 a litre for petrol!!!

Look at the state of our over weight old government, its quite clear they never waste food or waste anything for that matter.

Oh I forgot about this.

The Story of Tenbellies

One or two of my readers have asked the question about Tenbellies, and where this name comes from and more to the point what sort of man goes around referring to his partner in such a way.

Well here goes; firstly my partner in no way looks like or is in the shape of a blimp and if truth be known she is 5ft 4 and weighs about 7 and half stone (i really dont know what this all is in US terms, its just small). She does however have some freakish endless hunger, she can eat 24/7 with no sign of where all this food goes, her favourite food are crisps (chips) and can honestly put a full variety pack of 24 bags away in one sitting and yet she will not show any sign of weight gain.

So the name Tenbellies come from the many bellies she must have, she is fully aware of her nickname and in some ways very proud of it.

Example, it is 10:30 pm and she wants to go the chip shop after just downing a couple of bags of crisps!!!

Its funny how we have pet names for our loved ones and the stories behind them, if you have any then let me know.