my own insecurity

iv never thought of myself of having any insecurity, in fact I'm shocked that i ever thought that. if we look at today's environment and how people perceive themselves there is a great focus on the way we look, are we too fat or too skinny?, do we wear the correct cloths or should we be individual?, are we gay, straight or bi? well its a pretty fucked up world and these insecurities are evident everywhere. in fact i was home visiting my family very recently and while throwing my little niece around giving her tickles and blowing raspberries on her belly, u know the sort a thing a soft uncle would do. i called her chubby monkey only to get a discerning look off her mother, my sister. what i asked and can you believe this i had to be careful what i said because my 2 year old niece thinks shes fat!!!!. what the hell is going on, i pulled my mother and my sisters aside at this point to view my concern that at an unbelievable young age this was coming out her mouth never mind the fact that she was worried, a 2 year worried!!!! what should they be worried about???!!!
after thinking about this it is so possible that she can think this way, every where you look today you find something concerning the state of the body and diets, woman are obsessed with diets they talk about this day in day out what kind there on, what works, how much they have lost its possible that this topic could be 70% of what they actually talk about. you turn on the the telly and its in commercials, soaps, dramas, comedies, films, reality programs and documentaries. you open a magazine its there again, commercials, articles and advice. its every where!!!!
i agree in the whole healthy eating but what is actually being done here is brain washing on a mass scale, its now part of every thing we take in and we really don't see it until you wake one morning and you 5 year daughter or son turns to you at the breakfast table and says "ill just have a rivita mum I'm watching my weight".
now iv never had a problem with my weight, I'm not fat but i get told on a very regular basis that i need to put weight on, iv been the same weight for the best part 10 years. I'm not overly skinny my weight fits my frame and to be honest it pisses me off more than makes me feel concerned. no to i have no in securities would be wrong as iv found out, my biggest insecurity is believing that my bubble will burst and that i will lose everything so very easily. this is a very weird feeling and i cant really understand why i feel this. it starts with uni, i always felt that at some point some one was going to call me up and say there was a mistake and that i should not be there this has made me very nervous abut my work although I'm seen to be very confident. the other is my relationship. I'm possibly in the best relationship iv ever been in or ever will be in, my love with out sounding soppy is immense but i have this felling that she will soon go, leave me find something about me that she wont want. well what do i have to hide, the answer to that is nothing she can know all she wants but she has to ask. as you know from earlier I'm always very honest with her but i do find this very hard. she doesn't pry but she dose ask question in a way that always makes me nervous and i don't know why this is, it makes me feel guilty but i have nothing to be guilty for.
where do these insecurities come from? are they put there do think or maybe they grow through life's experiences. i think both, healthy are the ones that come through life but maybe the ones that are put there by the third person are to be destructive.