nick griffin leader of the retards

Watching question time tonight sees Nick Griffin of the BNP make his debut. Oh dear this guy really is retarded beyond all help. In fact i really do believe that the dodgy eye that he has was surely a result of when his mother dropped him on his head. The guy denies direct quotes and video footage of himself and laughs, claps and agrees with those that attack him. I really have never seen a guy contradict himself so much. Further to this i found it most enjoyable when the audience agreed that the only reason the bnp has recognition today is because of the disastrous job the current government have done, and again Nick Griffin nods, laughs and agrees. What a RETARD. I think we can all sleep sound tonight knowing these idiots will never gain enough power to turn the lights on and continue to live in the dark ages. I have to say that this was probably the most entertaining thing i have seen on the bbc in a long time.


Thud said...

gordon Brownie and dick sniffin...both goggle eyed bastards.

monkey said...

indeed they are what a freak show our parliment has become.