kiss my ass

i haven’t wrote about politics lately as it always seems to go with me ranting about the left and i end up swearing and going mad. it’s been something that i wanted to move away from but unfortunately it will always be there and there will always be something that will make me swear and go mad. When David Cameron and his rabble got in i hoped that they would start to fix some of the damage that our friends of the left created, i knew it would be tough and i knew that we would all have to pay. after all we had it good but it was all on borrowed money and like we all know when you use your credit card you got to pay it back, some people do it over time some all at once but somewhere you will need to give up your luxuries. so we have cuts and big cuts they seem to be, they will hurt some where other won’t even notice but as much as this is the case i feel ok about it, i love my country and if this fixes it then we should all take one for the team as they say.
this is the part where i get pissed we are all aware that in the news we may have to pay in to helping Portugal get through their hard times something im not happy about but think its blown up a little in the media. No, its the 650 million we are giving to Pakistan for their education bill, 650 million that we don’t have, that we could use on our own education, or community, public services or more importantly our armed services. when we have been spending 12 million a day helping the likes of Libya, a place i couldn’t give a shit about we then go and give 650 million to Pakistan without the slightest raised eyebrow in the media. And for this David Cameron you can kiss my ass, and kiss it good but only if you can pull it down from the chief curry muncher's dirty backside.

Now can someone tell me why?


Thud said...

I 100% agree...feck em!

Vinogirl said...


Anonymous said...

Hey, it's what politicians do. They argue back and forth, blaming each other for the fine mess they got all of us in, but that's all they do is talk. They do not have the backbone to actually make a decision and do something.