Family Fame

Yesterday i found myself taking a trip into town, god i really do hate going to town on Saturdays however i really needed to go as i wanted a couple of books and a visit to the wine shop was needed, to stock up for the week.
Anyway while standing in the bookshop reading a couple of pages of a book i later didnt buy a member of staff came running through the store with a customer in tow. Next to the section i was in is the section on crime, which for this particular city gets alot of business i was later informed (usually by the tracky wearing scally wanting to read up on the local drug dealing gangster that got caught and wrote a book about it), and so the the member of staff with customer in tow made a bee line straight to the crime section and with some urgency start to search for a book. After a couple of moments the customer fell into a fit of gratitude for the staff member had found the book he was looking for. The customer full of pride proceeded to the pay desk and started to inform the intire store that the book he had chosen was written by a local heroin dealing gangster that got caught and wrote a book about it (surprise surprise), he then went on to say full of pride that he wast buying for a member of the family living abroad and that the book had his family name within it.
The guy paid is 7.99 and walked out store with a hop and a skip. At this point i was not only amazed buy the utter pride this guy had with the fame of his family originating from this particular book but also totally aware that the whole store was thinking the same thing.
Why would you honestly be proud of this? why would you want others to know that your name was voiced in such a book? i really had no answer to this and even now 24 hours later im still wondering why.