Jacqui does Parliment

Getting busted for watching porn is every teenage boy’s nightmare but I’m sure this tops the bill. Not only do you get busted by your horse faced wife but the rest of the country gets to know that the home secretary is married to a dirty old perv. Oh dear oh dear what’s next for our labour government, David Miliband caught sniffing his mothers knickers perhaps?


xoggoth said...

Horse faced, that brings back memories. Being an adolescent in an age before any porn was available I had to make do with my sister's copies of Horse and Hound.

Surprised I did not grow up a complete perv. Oh wait, I am!

Thud said...

I have pics if you want to see them...big frilly knicks!

Black Sheep said...

I love the British, truly. Every time I get depressed over our shambles of a government, someone in yours very timely does something so asinine that I start laughing again.

Billing the people for her husbands blue movies. That's great. Between that and the madhouse going on in the London streets right now, it's hysterical. 150 different protest groups all trying to be heard at once. It must be like a Heavy Metal record played backwards.