Grow Your Own

While Tenbellies is slaving away in the shop and then off for Sunday cocktails with the girls I decided to have a go at growing my own Tomatoes, oh and some chillies for good measure. The country seems to have gone “Grow Your Own” mad and why not the crunch seems to have gripped many and to save a bob or two the satisfaction and effort has to be worth it and besides the can take our taxes but they can’t take our fruit and veg. Now I eagerly await my grape vine which will sit along side, grow my beauties grow.


Thud said...

The good life.

monkey said...

sure is, i wonder if my landlords will let me keep livestock?

Thud said...


Vinogirl said...

I heard your landlord wants chickens.
Chicken poop fab for grapevines!

monkey said...

Chickens and monkeys excellent mix, i think Thud should start looking at farms.