“Don’t like Brown, he smells of poo!”

“Don’t like Brown, he smells of poo!”
The words of a toddler as we sat watching the D-Day service yesterday, and with innocence comes the truth. The end is surely near for bum boy Brown with his entire party falling to peaces at his feet but in his last attempt to show that he his in control and can do the job he has only shown what a true wanker he really is. And what angers me more is how his reshuffle of the cabinet is more an effort to please the MP’s around him and to punish others rather than to have people in those positions that actually understand and are more than competent to the do the job right. These are the people running our country, greedy, self absorbed and corrupt no wonder celebrities feel they could do the job.


Thud said...

I would just like to state that I am not responsible for my daughter's utterances...she has her own views,even at 32 months it seems.

Vinogirl said...

23 months! You need more nutrients like the vines!

xoggoth said...

Very wise. That little girl for PM!

Black Sheep said...

The best part of the last elections was the BNP gaining considerable ground along with Geert Wilders party. The Libs may not be running for cover yet but it has to have shaken them up.