Little bit distracted
on Tuesday, 4 May 2010

It’s a busy time of year for me right now in work, we have final major projects and exhibitions looming. the current election has done very little to get me excited and as Thursday is almost upon us I’m still struggling to vote for any of the wannabe saviours, i suppose ill have to pick the best of a bad bunch. What has kept me entertained these past few weeks is the construction of a nest by a couple of Blue Tits, and this weekend they graced us with 7 lovely little eggs which are snug under the female. Our clever IT guys set up a live camera in a bird box and ever since iv made regular visits to the page to have a nose. It's great watching these little love birds build a home and start a family, its seems so simple and care free un aware of the coming grey political cloud that seems to be heading this way.
Very have inspired me.
watch for updates.....
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