Shake it baby!!

I find this bloody insalting, what right does the council have to do this? I think the country is fully aware of the saying "all in moderation" and the last time i checked we had the right to make our own decisions but this is taking the bloody piss.

News of this has hit the area badly and i believe the idea to cut back on pork scratchings could seriously tip the edge.


Anonymous said...

When they send us the annual breakdown of how our council tax money has been spent, how come there is no figure for "Daft nannying PC schemes" I am sure it would far exceed percentage spent on the police.

Anonymous said...

Grr. Things like this really piss me off. Instead of spending money making sure the roads are in good condition, or that local services are up to scratch, these fucking split-arses are wasting money on salt cellars to dish out to random members of the public, whilst chanting their health mantras in the hope that this will magically make people less fat. Fuckwits, the lot of them.

More rants from me here.