Choo Choo

20110609-_DSC0229.jpg by monqey
20110609-_DSC0229.jpg, a photo by monqey on Flickr.

Its back to the train for me as a regular lift to work is moving from a very convienient next door to chester. As much as i enjoy getting a lift to work and it saves alot of hassle and money i kind of like the train journey too. Im not really a huge morning person and i often just need to sit in my own little bubble until i get to work where i have to be socialble as soon as i walk through the door, i like to sit on the train and feel i dont have to speak to anyone or listen to anyone and that can make a huge difference to my day, its just unfortunate that i have to pay extra for these simple things.


Vinogirl said...

Wow...what train station is that? Good leading lines in the photograph.

monkey said...

Its warrington central station on a good day, everywhere else is a bit grim but when you look up you get these old original casts.