slight relief

potato by monqey
potato, a photo by monqey on Flickr.

After the past three or four weeks I’m more than ready to take a break. The weekends are my relief and coming over the water to spend time in the garden usually on the veggie patch is kind of therapeutic in weeding out the stress of work. The veggies are coming on well and the potatoes as you can see are full and flowering. Thud says we have planted them a little too close together and I’m starting to think he is right, its like one huge potato bush but it promises a fine yield. Getting outside is important to me as I think good English fresh air is good for the soul and mind, although the weather doesn’t bother me as much as others I would like a bit more sun and some of the veggies could do with it too.


Vinogirl said...

Great picture...I'm glad the girls and I got the spuds off to a good start watering them over Easter.

monkey said...

Thanks, i dont know what you watered them with but i lost one of the girls in there today.

Thud said...

green fingers there monkey