Bad day at the office dear?

Its strange how people react to change or how people get stuck in their ways, I work with many different people with many different views and perception on all things. Working with the younger generation and seeing how their minds work is a beautiful thing even when said generation are a bunch of soap dodgers in great need of a bath and a decent meal. Oh the life of a student. My picture today is the work of a student I teach from time to time, the idea of intervening with a used space. After many other attempts he chose to use the staff car park blocking each space with a tree stump, he then videoed the response and reactions of staff turning up to work only to find they cant park their beloved car. This may seem all very childish and more of prank than art, but you see human emotions best when it’s not expected. I was surprised to see so much anger and frustration of having to move a stump or experiencing something completely out of the norm. It true that people in cars are angry people where as all the people that walked passed chuckled. Now I’m no tree hugger but I think it was 1-0 to the trees today.