New Beginning

Its a late post but Monday i finished my job, packed all my stuff and handed back my Apple Mac (really gutted about that, loved that laptop). The hardest part of the day was without doubt saying good bye to my kiddies. I know that your not supposed to get attached but they were my first class and I saw alot in them so even though I sucked it up and held it in it was a struggle not to cry. 27 of the little ones and im the one holding back the tears. sad i know.
But anyway after some treats and a DVD we had a great laugh and then we said goodbye. I took one last look at the work we had done throughout the year and left my classroom.

Today i applied for four new jobs, the beginning of my new start, im excited and ready to go. Not before our holiday mind, San Francisco here we come.


Angela-la-la said...

I found the hardest part of moving on to be saying goodbye to my students. Logically, I knew this was what the powers that be were using against me but emotionally, wow. Tough stuff.

Enjoy SF.

Hang on, this is monkey's blog. Er, you do know there are gay people there, doncha? ;)

Michelle said...

Sorry to hear that your job wasn't going quite the way you had wanted it, but I am glad (and a little jealous!) to hear about you resigning and moving on to bigger and better things. Congrats!

monkey said...

The gay capital of the eath i believe, but hey i know which side my bread is buttered so no worries.

Thud said...

you big softy!...and dont't worry about those naughty chaps in SF....Princess OTW will see them off.